Connecting with the Creative Unconscious
This is a good exercise to do right before going to bed or having a nap. Have a notebook handy and the germ or an idea or a specific aspect of a project you are working on in mind. Then begin as usual with
Inspiration – Just a Breath Away Exercise so that you feel deeply relaxed and in tune with the radiant light that is the creative force within. Next, allow yourself to sink even deeper. Breathing deeply with every count, count backwards from 12 to 1. Take three deep breaths, then do the count again.Visualize yourself entering the dark, rich, moist earth beneath the winter ground. You enter easily and burrow deep. Curl up, seed-shaped. In this deep, dark place you are very close to the universal. Feel your mind opening to it. Release the idea you were holding, and allow an image – or images – to flow into your mind. Do not alter or direct them.When they begin to fade, count from 1 to 12 and find yourself back in the radiant light. Bask in it. Allow this creative force to seep into your cells. When you are ready – or more awake! – make notes about the image or images that came to you. Later, delve into it or them. What meaning does it have for you? Does it have meaning for you on other levels? How might it relate to the “seedling” of an idea you had in mind?