The Divine Feminine Fire a book about our yearning – our desire to know our true nature, to ease the suffering we see around us, to save Mother Earth, and especially, to express our true selves creatively. For, amazing as it may seem, our desire to be creative is fueled by the same cosmic force that triggers our longing to do good in the world. Called Shakti in yoga, this divine feminine energy is not just as the creative force of the cosmos but also the creative force within you. (Published by Dreamriver Press.)

Shakti – The Creative Feminine Fire Within

In The Divine Feminine Fire you’ll delve into the myths and sacred stories that unveil Shakti’s mysterious workings, explore the stunning parallels to Sophia and Shekinah in Judaism and Christianity, and be passionately inspired by both fiery women mystics and women just like you.

Each chapter concludes with creativity exercises that will increase your ability to..

• Draw on and express your divine feminine creative energy

• Create a safe, protected space for creative self-expression

• Become empowered by balancing the masculine and feminine within

• Tame your fears and the harsh inner voice of criticism

• Receive divine creative inspiration not only for expressing your soul but for finding creative solutions to all of life’s challenges…

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