Fiery Muse Kavita Byrd
Kavita Byrd has been on a spiritual quest that, as recounted in The Divine Feminine Fire, has taken her from working as a gardener on an unspoiled Greek isle to studying yoga in ashrams in India and Australia. Since then she has spent most of her life in India immersing herself in non-dual spirituality, Advaita Vedanta, and deepening the connection to the divine feminine that began in Greece when she would look out across the sea to a mountain the villagers called the Sleeping Goddess.
“I used to love to gaze across at her and feel her peace and stillness. I would open myself to the sense of eternity she radiated… This also felt to me like the melting of time, of earth into water into pure light, and myself melting into their Oneness. …the island was on the fault line of the huge volcanic explosion and tidal wave that had once destroyed an advanced civilization on Crete and Santorini thought by archaeologists to have worshiped the Divine Feminine. I felt that this “wave” of the Divine Feminine had somehow ripped through time itself and broken into me.”
Over the years spiritual experiences such as this in Kavita’s life have triggered outpourings of art and poetry. Now, they are inspiring the creation of a centre focused on the divine feminine principles of compassion, cooperation, co-creation, and inter-connection. Over the last few years, the idea for “The Shakti Center” has gained the support of the likes of Jean Shinoda Bolen, Joan Borysenko, and Dena Merriam, founder of the Global Peace Initiative of Women.
Kavita’s next step will be to create a website that will be a “virtual” center and encourage the support needed to make the center an actual physical reality.
Inspiring Words from Kavita
“I’ve become aware of a fascinating dynamic between deep meditation and the creative connections that seem to magically spring out of it. And that is this: when we are tuned into that deep place where everything is interconnected, everything begins to connect at the top, the surface of consciousness and our lives too.
From Kavita’s book Love Songs of the Undivided
My heart makes love
In secret silence
To all that is.
My womb gives birth
To the universe
And my breasts
Suckle the stars.
Who knows near or far
In this cave of silence
Whose earth is the sky
No one sits but all
I am this
Which never dies
Which rocks the seas of being
In its dreams
And cradles all creation
In the infinite unseen.