Every time I do a workshop there is at least one moment – and usually many moments – when I am moved to the kind of emotion that leaves your throat so tight you can’t swallow and your eyes stinging, then flooding. The cause of this is always the same. One of the participants is reading something they have written or talking about something they have experienced.
Their words are the result of lives they have lived and lessons they have learned. And these words have power.
They have the power to move not just the listener but the speakers themselves. These words often take a once foggy insight or nebulous yearning and make it concrete – turn it into something solid; something that can be acted upon. But what is most amazing and marvelous to me is how frequently these words, while being on one level about transforming themselves, are on an even more profound level about transforming the world.
This summer I led an evening workshop along with Donna Henes in New York City where words of the participants were no exception. It was held in the healing center of the truly marvelous Namaste Bookshop. Donna Henes, who is well-known in the city for conducting empowering ritual and ceremony, did just that; then I talked about the power of Shakti as the divine we hold within and led a creative visualization exercise aimed at experiencing the creative and transformation power of this cosmic feminine force.
To close Donna conducted another ritual that added to this sense of being empowered by the divine feminine within and then invited each person to say what they wanted to do with this new awareness of their inner power.
Every single person in the circle stood and talked taking some kind of concrete, positive action that would make the world a better place. Many mentioned personal objectives too, but there was not one person who did not aim for a goal that was beyond the self.
Something about the fact that everyone in the room was so clearly on the same page suddenly made me acutely aware of just how many people I’ve personally come in contact with that are dedicated to making the world a better place. In workshops I’ve taken, workshops I’ve led, social justice movements I’ve joined I have met literally hundreds and hundreds of individuals who are filled with a passionate yearning to end the suffering they see around them, to spread peace, to save Mother Earth…
Just thinking about this fills me with an abundance of hope, a great cornucopia of hope – it is filled to overflowing and it is brimming….