Some lines from my friend Oriah Mountain Dreamer’s world renowned poem “The Invitation” inspired me to make a Facebook post a few months ago, and I am still thinking about it. The lines from the poem are:
I want to know if you will stand
in the centre of the fire with me
and not shrink back…
In the post I wrote that, for me, this line always makes me think about living life with the fiery kind of passion that leads you to grasp everything that passes by with both hands, burying your face in it, feeling it – even when it really, really hurts…
But this line also speaks to me about being authentic, being the “you” you truly are – no phoniness, no fakery – just being the most genuine person you can possibly be and being a person who reacts to whatever is going on around you with a sincerity that flows out of your deepest, most innermost being. This is standing in the centre of a fire for me, a fire that burns away all the dross…
Even as a teenager I held this up as a kind of goal in life – I wanted to be “real”; I wanted to be “me”…. And even though this is a standard I fall far short of much of the time, it has remained one of the deepest, most abiding principles I try to live my life by. But, funnily enough, until I initiated that Facebook conversation, I had never, ever asked myself WHY this was so important to me. If I thought about it at all, I just thought of being authentic as a good thing and being unauthentic as a bad thing. Being authentic was “on” the spiritual path. Being unauthentic was “off” the spiritual path.
But when I started asking myself the question of why this was so, I had this great revelation. (Like many of my great revelations this one now seems so obvious to me I’m chagrined to admit it that it had never occurred to me before!) And it really is obvious: The more authentic we are, the closer we are to expressing our true self – and that true self is, of course, the divine within.
It makes me smile when I think of myself as a teenager, passionately – and I do mean passionately! – determined to be an “individual”, to live my life “my way”, to be “true to my self”. Because in those days I was a really hardcore atheist; never realizing for a moment that I was already on the path that Shakti – that divine feminine force the ancient yogis say is the evolutionary energy – was leading me down. And that is, of course, the path she is leading us all down – whether we know it or not, whether we believe it or not – the one that leads to the ultimate Realization that the real you, the very core of you, is a divine you, a radiant, holy you…
Tags: Divine within, Fiery passion